Art Card Project for ME/CFS – Chronic Market

Art Card Project for ME/CFS

Are you a person with ME/CFS who lives by and loves to get mail, or a creative who likes to make art and brighten days? Sign up Chronic Market’s art card swap for ME/CFS sufferers and related chronic conditions!

This project aims to raise awareness about ME/CFS — particularly in its severe form, which can mean being permanently bedbound or housebound — and mobilizing healthy allies (or fellow sufferers!) to create art cards for patients.

Please complete this form to receive an art card — and don’t be shy about asking for one; we already have more givers signed up than receivers! If you would like to sign up to create and send a card, please use this link.

The project will have an open deadline for time being, but for certain running through Severe ME/CFS Awareness Day on August 8. Please share far and wide!